My days are hard lately. Added to my pain problems, my psychiatrist is no longer practicing (here, anyway). I call and call out of town doctors, who either aren't taking new patients or who aren't providers for our Insurance Company. It seems I've hit a brick wall. I have an appointment to see the one remaining psychiatrist in our little town, the end of December in case I can't find anyone someone anywhere else, but I don't want to see him if I don't have to as he doesn't think my pain is an issue, and refuses to see that I have been on tons of drugs that don't work, and doesn't want to give me the only thing that does work (I have seen him before.) I think the following is an appropriate and timely piece beautifully written.
I've fought a good fight Done all I know to do Lord, please lift this burden I'm counting on you My body is tired of this pain My endurance is low Please take my hand Never let it go
I'm giving it to you Lord You know what is best I pray for my healing Only you know what's in store Many prayers have gone up And stormed heaven's door Your Word tells me, You are always there
Please hear my cry Lord I am truly in despair My faith has grown weak Speak to my heart Lord It's your face I now seek Tell me Lord, my pain you share Assure me Lord tell me It is not more than I can bear
How many times I've given you things Only to take them back again And I am alone once more To bear the pain Help me Lord to just let it go I know it is you that is in control That your love will see me thru Nothing is left now, what else Lord, What else must I do
I know you will take care of me And you know Lord, I'm counting on you
© 2006 Gayle Alatia | |
I think this is simply beautiful! If you are reading this, maybe this prayer can be of help to you, too, sometime.
Merry | |
I am so sorry you are having this problem, I must have missed something along the way. I didnt know that you were seeing a psychiatrist, I was in counciling for many years but with a psychologist with monthly visits to the psychiatrist for medications control. My problem was anxiety and depression, I hope you can find someone soon. Thank the Lord I am no longer in counciling..............Stormie
Good girl for giving it to God....let Him take care of you.
One day at a time Merry. One day at a time. Tammy
Hi Merry,
So sorry to hear about what you are going through. Its really hard sometimes to keep talking to the medical community that really don't listen to their patients.All you can do at this point I guess is to just keep talking to "them" and pushing forth your feelings.They forget that its your body and mind and know what it is you do need. My heart and prayers are with you.
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