Monday, November 20, 2006

Black Friday Shopping

Playing along with Val & Black Friday Shopping!!  I would be jumping at the door, well maybe not quite, but I'd be there shivering and waiting for them to open the store doors--IF I had the $$ to spend. Some other years I have, and gotten some good deals!  Had fun!  It got me in the spirit of Christmas.  It also kept me from going every year!!!!!!  LOL  It's hard work.  You have to fight people off. They try to get ahead of you in lines at counters where you pay. Even in nice department stores.  It's brutal. Only the strongest shoppers ever repeat and go another year.  But yeah, I would go, if I had the $$ to spend right now.  With our son getting married in Jamaica Dec. 5, I don't have the funds for a shopping trip on top of that trip we are taking to his wedding.  But listen, I am a tough little girl.  I will return to Black Friday shopping, probably by next year!  Be strong BLACK FRIDAY SHOPPING PEOPLE!  And ENJOY, ENJOY!  BUY ONE FOR ME!



Anonymous said...

((((((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU))))))))))))))))))))I dont think I would be getting up early in the moring,specillay on my day a good one.

Anonymous said...

Hi Merry~I hope you have a blast at your son's wedding in Jamaica! How fun! xox Sassy ;-)

Anonymous said...

ahh black friday will have to do without me this year lol I'd rather let my fingers do the shopping on line that is. I'll get out there for the little things but I try my damdest to get it all done sitting right here!! lol can't wait for those jamacia pics too!!xxxooo

Anonymous said...

I don't have much money this year either, for Black Friday or any day.  Ah, you are one who likes Black Friday, huh Merry?!  Good for you!  So, whatcha gonna get me next year? LOL  Love ya like crazy, honey!  Blessings to you! xox

Anonymous said...

You couldnt pay me to go, and put up with that mad house! No way! Not even if they were giving it away for free.
But to those that do have the courage, Good Luck!