Friday, September 21, 2007

Val's quiz--My first 24 questions and answers

Val's First 24 Questions-Getting to know you/me... 
 1. Are you taller than your mom? I am about two inches taller than my Mom (& I am only 5' 2"!!) was.
 2. What color is your shower curtain? Glass shower door upstairs, downstairs bathroom has blue fishies all over the shower curtain, and the waist basket,  etc.  Cuz I love to swim, you know.
 3. What is the closest thing to you right now that is red? 
    A little computer keyboard dusty thingie!
 4. What is your ring tone? 
  It is some classical type music, LOUD, too! LOL
 5. Does anything hurt on your body right now?     
 mostly back and neck.
 6. What color is your favorite pillow? 
It is a oversized big head (king sized) but thick pillow, white.  Has a pink case on it right now. But you can't see it as I have my pillows with the shams in front of the pillows that get used. The shams match the quilt on the bed.
 7. What is your favorite video game? Me, do video games?  You've got to be kidding!
 8. Had a nap today?  I tried but it didn't work out, guess it wasn't meant to be!
 9. Gold or Silver?  That depends on my mood. I like both!
10. Is there an animal that creeps you out?
Yes!  Mice and then birds!
11. Who was the last person you rode an elevator with?
It's been so long I am not sure, but I think I was alone.
12. Did you go ice skating as a kid?  Yes, but I spent most of my time in the warming house as my feet always froze.  (I think I had Raynaud's syndrome even then but it wasn't ever diagnosed until I got into my 30's.
13. Ever have stitches? I have had stitches from cuts (I fell out of the car as a child) & from car accident or two.  And many, many (too many times) from all my surgeries.
14. Favorite non-alcoholic drink?
You know me, Diet Caffeine Free Diet Coke!
15. How long ago did you hug someone?
When I was trying to take that nap, I hugged Teddy, our Bichon Frise dog.  Kaycee (my Maltese was sleeping on her blankey on the rug (acting aloof) lol
16. What's something you want to do before you die?
Get rid of some of my anxieties, or learn to cope with them better. (Be comfortable in my own skin.)
17. Have you ever caught something on fire? Yes, an oven mitt and I burn my hands all the time in the toaster oven.
18. Have you ever seen a ghost?  No, except for the movie Ghost, lol.
19. Have you ever seen northern lights? Yes
20. Do you know how to use chop sticks? No, but I wish I did!  (Maybe that's something else I should put under what I want to do before I die.)
21. Name something good that happened today.  I heard from a friend who's been ill that I've been worried about!
22. What room are you in? My dining room/computer room.
23. Are you worried about something you can't control?
     Who me worry?  Yes, I am the queen of worriers.

24. Do you take daily medications? Unfortunately I take several daily medications, like 5 or 6.
If anyone would like to play along, leave your URL and I'd love to read your answers, too.


Anonymous said...

(((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU))))))))))))))))))Have a nice weekend.

Anonymous said...

I loved your answers! This was a cool meme! :o)

Anonymous said...

You saw the Northern Lights?  Cool!  I would like to hear about that sometime!  I loved your answers =).  I always like reading these little quizzes because you can ALWAYS learn something more about someone even if you have known them for 50 years.  I love you, snookums! xox