Thursday, June 12, 2008

DAY 5 (Flooding, etc.)

Hi; I am just going to make this a short entry. I am beat tonight. I may write more tomorrow!  I do want to thank you who commented in my comments and those of you who Emailed me, and even those of you who thought of me even briefly today because...I need you all in my life!

Things are quiet for today. It rainded last night but today has been beautiful and sunny.  The forecast is bleak for the next few days, all over the state of Iowa.  Please keep all of Iowa in your prayers.  The tragic tornado with the Boy Scouts happened in one of my husband's overnight sales territories; he goes there every other week.  The surviving boys were so brave.  This was just a devastating tragedy!!  

I got out of the house & went shopping today!  I told my husband, "You know, the saying, 'When the going gets tough; the tough ones go shopping."  Well, he knows that too well. I bought a couple Father's Day gifts for him, some fancy, dancy cosmetics to make all my wrinkles go away (LOL, I am kidding). Well, at least I will feel better, wrinkled or not.  I also got more towels for us. We still can't wash clothes or dishes or drink our water.  Then I could not help myself I found two really cute short jackets that I had to have. One is bright line green, with white flowers in and will go with lots of my summer clothes & the other one is beige, I have a lot of beige things, (I usually wear pink things or pink prints with them. I have a pink thing!)  It started because of my concern for all women regarding breast cancer, but now I just plain love pink! 

They say we MIGHT have water that we can wash clothes in and dishes and even drink by Sat. or Sun.  I will believe that when I see it.

They sent water to be tested somewhere and are waiting to hear back.  However if it rains more, our water treatment plant will have problems, and we will get it shut off again.

Tonight, besides being very tired, I am doing pretty good.  It was a pretty good day although this AM I didn't think it was going to be. 

A good reminder that we should all just keep "trucking" because even a lousy day can turn into a very good day.  Life is like that, full of ups and downs.  Valleys, hills, & mountains.  But the streams at the bottom of the mountains refresh us and give us the strength to go on and make ourselves and our familes, happy. 

I wish you all a wonderful mountain stream tonight and that you will be refreshed and ready to go at the world again tomorrow and remember you never know what surprises might be just around the corner waiting for you. I hope yours are good surprises!

Love Always,




Anonymous said...

I am so glad thet things are going better for everyone. We have been seeing on TV about the Boy Scouts and my prayers go out for their families. Those pictures were horrible of the desatruction that was done.
Hugs, Helen

Anonymous said...

I am pleased to hear that you went out and did a bit of retail therapy. I feel so sorry for everyone Involved In this terrible time. I will continue to keep you all In my thoughts and prayers. Love Pam xx

Anonymous said...

Shopping always makes a woman feel better about everything! lol I'm happy you were able to do something that is in the normal range of what your used to. Hopefully water will be there for you all on Sat. as promised.

Anonymous said...

Merry, hoping you are okay.  So glad you got to go shopping!  Love,


Anonymous said...

Hope you are OK, I will keep you in my prayers!


Anonymous said...

saying a prayer for you and your family's and friends' safety during this rough time; like your attitude though to go shopping! seems like you made some great finds


Anonymous said...

Hi Merry, coming over from Val's journal.  We've been hearing about the terrible storms there in Iowa. I understand you've already had water in your basement...hopefully there will be no more.  I live in western Washington and some areas here have gone thru terrible flooding, etc. so I understand the awful feeling of having your home and contents damaged.  Take care and we'll be sending prayers and good thoughts your way.  Linda in WA

Anonymous said...

Your name suits you! Keep up the Optimism- I like the idea of shopping! After all you cannot do laundry now! Ha.  Prayers for everyine in yur area and surrounding states. Dannelle

Anonymous said...

Merry I do hope you are safe and well ~ I have been watching the flooding on TV ~ keeping you all in my prayers ~ Ally x

Anonymous said...

I'm keeping you and the statae of Iowa in my prayers!

Anonymous said...

I hope things are back to normal for you this weekend!!!  Good for you going shopping, that's good therapy... LOL!!!

Take care

Anonymous said...

Hi Merry.So sorry for what your state is going through.I will keep you all in my hearts and know you are in my heart.