Wednesday, October 4, 2006

Heartbreak Eyes

I hope you enjoy this story, you know me and my dog stories by now. 

With love, Merry

by Laurie Fabrizio

      When we lose someone who is precious to us, our natural response
is to cry.
      What happens when two beloved dogs have resided together for
several years and one of them suddenly dies?
      Do they mourn or cry?
      Four years ago, I was the proud mom of a pair of sassy Airedale
Terriers.  Kelsey was my four year old wiry, spunky female and Duncan
was a three year old lovable, sensitive male.  The energetic duo were
infamous for their naughty antics.  They would spend hours outside,
finding trouble at every turn and frolicking our wet lands.
      Both had their own beds in our room, where they slept side by
side.  Meal time was always an adventure, as they competed to see who
could finish their food first.  Tug of war toys were the favorite
past time and they took tremendous joy in taunting the other.
      Almost over night, Kelsey began to exhibit bizarre behavior.
She developed a head tilt, and continually walked into walls or she
hugged them as she moved about the house.  Her appetite diminished as
her condition worsened.  Numerous trips to the vet and various
antibiotics only seemed to make the situation worse.
      Out of desperation, she was sent to the University Veterinary
Hospital.  Kelsey was admitted and released several times and they
administered every test imaginable.  The doctors were baffled as she
continued to deteriorate.
      At the time, Duncan was beside himself as Kelsey continued to
disappear and reappear as we tried to solve the mystery.  Food had
always been his passion, but even special treats couldn't appease him.
      I remember my cell phone ringing one drizzly night as I was on
my way home.  The doctor from the university was calling with her
final test results.  She told me that all possibilities had been
exhausted and she and her colleagues were stumped.
      Tears streamed down my face as I asked the dreaded question.
"What should we do?"
      Kelsey was only getting worse, and she told me that if she were
her dog, she would put her to sleep.  We broke the news to the girls
the next morning and we said our tearful goodbyes to Kelsey.
      I never dreamed that we would have to euthanize a four year old
dog.  Duncan sulked around the house and couldn't comprehend why she
wasn't returning home.  He kept searching the house room by room and
his ears perked up if he thought he heard her collar jingle.
      As I sat in my office which overlooked our cul-de-sac, I watched
Duncan wistfully glance up the street, convinced she was returning
home.  Duncan had the saddest, most heartbreaking eyes when he looked
at me and he had rightfully earned himself the nickname of Eeyore
from "Winnie the Pooh".
      If dogs can truly cry, I definitely saw tears in his eyes in the
weeks following her death.
      Maybe it only appeared that way, or was I seeing my own grief
mirrored in his eyes?

              -- Laurie Fabrizio    <laurie @>

Laurie resides in the Minneapolis, Minnesota area with her husband
and two teenage daughters.  She is an avid reader and spends her time
as a member of two book clubs, taking writing classes, knitting and
gardening.  She has always had a strong passion for writing and the
desire to publish. Her family continues to provide moral support in
her new venture.




Anonymous said...

I loved this story, Merry! It made me feel so sad though. I've seen my Mochi cry! Actually she cry's all the time. Everytime I leave for work, she'll get tears in her eyes. Breaks my heart!
Love ya, Rhonda

Anonymous said...

aaawwww....That gave me chills! :o) Whew!

Anonymous said...

Nice story. {{{}}}